The corporate world is choc a bloc with people suffering from the worst kinds of mental illnesses, and no matter how much the biggies hate it, they are quite responsible for most of such diseases. Most corporate head honchos are of split personalities- being good and evil at the same time simultaneously. Most of them are also so ridden with perfection that their mental conditions are made worse with OCD. They might also be psychotic because they become and remain angry for no reason- to leave such a mental boss is not only good but it is also mandatory. But most employees do not realis that their collective insanity is what makes them continue on their path of destruction and anarchy. To make matters worse, the CEO or leader of such people is also narcissistic, too obsessed with himself and of his position.
If you follow Dr Suneel Dhand’s videos on Youtube decrying the entire medical industry, and if you look at employees like Pawan who have been failed by the same crazies, you will know that you were right in naming them and calling them out instead of falling into their traps of loyalty. I feel that such mentally crazy people might also be silent supporters of all those who mean to cause their employees and their colleagues a lot of mental harm just to spread their own condition amongst the straight and the honest, just so that they can add to the numbers who are technically mentally disturbed or fully insane medically.
How does a professional tun into a narcissist? Why don’t all the women he has cheated on call the cops on him? Why do the resources he clearly claims to offer you and everybody else just don’t sound enough for anybody, he himself included? Why does he enamor all the older women of our families because no one else likes him? Why is this person so ignorant of the social fabric concerning morals, the law and order situation, probably because he knows that he can get away with any crime by bribing the cops of any country?
Why does a narcissist want to disempower a better educated, more lawful and wealthier lady, all because his sick and uglier girlfriends just want all those boss women disempowerd so that they can overrule them and also steal away their identities, their assets and properties.
If he has so much power over the legal matters concerning so many women, he obviously has some control over the police and the judiciary- even if the power may be just about him taking and giving all kinds of bribes and gifts and favors of all kinds to his group of supporters and lower middle class asses? All normal and straight people are so sick of such CEOs that they call them all out as jokers of their circuses.
Such people are all over you, either to gather some more chances to turn you into their next rung in the ladder of success, or because they need to prove that they were and are still really supportive and good to you over all the years that they have been a demon narcissist. Unfortunately for us Indians, most Indians do not want to hear anything negative about such powerful monsters whereas the West has all but subdued them. I have survived despite their covert operations over all us women employees- and so should you with the utmost sincerity.